Each year thousands of business owners worldwide are taken to court and successfully sued because of simply not providing the right safety procedures for customers . Accidents such as tripping on raised steps or platforms that are not properly highlighted with the correct safety tape is just one common accident that occurs in businesses.
After consultation with you, our technicians will attend your business premises and perform all of the safety procedures below.
This package includes:
Tidying up power cables under workstations and counters with cable ties. This practice will help in decreasing the risk of damage to power cables by staff. It also helps in the prevention of paper and heavy items being thrown on top of leads and powerboards.
Placing hi visibility tape on all raised steps and platforms. One of the biggest causes of court cases are from clients tripping over steps or raised platforms that have not been properly highlighted. Our technicians are able to apply hi visibility non slip tape on steps and raised areas to help decrease the chances of accidents in your business.
Supply of MB power failure – emergency lights where appropriate. Ever had a situation where the power in your business suddenly goes off and you are left in the dark. If this is the case we can supply you with these amazing safety lights that simply plug into a powerpoint and when the power goes out they switch on and stay on for hours.
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